Restaurant Manager Table Management & Reservations
Managing Reservations
When you install the Restaurant Manager Reservations module you will dramatically reduce booking reservation errors. You will always have a clear picture of reservations versus availability and the system will automatically notify you of discrepancies between reservations and capacity at the time of seating.
Waiting List Management
In addition to helping you manage reservations, this module will help you to accurately project wait times for your customers – allowing you to better organize your overall seating management and reduce queuing time. For instance, if a group is waiting for a four-top in the dining section with a thirty minute wait, they may be very happy to take a four-top in the bar section that is coming available right away. This is just one example of how the Restaurant Manager Reservations module allows you to improve customer rapport, seat more people, and of course, increase your sales.
Total Table Management
Efficient table management is so crucial to the success of any fine dining operation that every Restaurant Manager™ TableService system includes a basic table management screen. This basic table management capability can be complemented with Restaurant Manager’s Reservations module to create a total solution for managing service, waiting lists and reservations. The Reservations module’s easy-to-use design allows you to quickly navigate between booking dates, change reservation times, guest counts, and even seat bookings. Tables can be assigned to particular sections and seating capacity can be pre-defined.
The “Compute” function is where the real power of the Reservations module is unveiled. When executed, the compute function displays a window showing the time each table is expected to become available and the first customer on the waiting list who matches the seat count for that table.
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