Restaurant Manager Management Reporting
Back Office Reporting
Restaurant Manager offers a wide array of “Back-of-the-House” tools for managing, tracking and analyzing your business. Whether you’re creating new holiday menus, sending an email campaign to your best customers, monitoring employee overtime, launching a new Happy Hour promotion, or tracking down a missing beer delivery, Restaurant Manager offers the tools and reports to get the job done….without having to rely on an outside IT expert to manage your POS System.
All Restaurant Manager POS systems come with a fully integrated Backoffice module that includes utilities for creating multiple menus and price levels, defining multiple revenue centers and tax rates, and managing customer databases or tracking stock counts. With capabilities such as automated end of day (EOD), the ability to change menu items on the fly, tight controls over access to POS reports and management functionality, Restaurant Manager provides the tools needed to lower costs and improve efficiencies. Time and Attendance and a Customer Database are included in the basic package.
Flexible, Real-Time Reporting
With over 50 standard reports and graph formats, Restaurant Manager makes it easy to get the information you need to effectively manage your business. Many reports are available right at the POS stations. And if you use the Write-On Handheld™ you can view detailed reports from anywhere on the restaurant floor. You can also access reports from devices like an iPhone, BlackBerry or various supported smart phones.
System Security and Redundancy
Restaurant Manager’s system redundancy guarantees that your business will never be hampered by a critical hard-drive failure. Mirror your data on a back-up server or use the computer at one of your POS stations to create a fully redundant system.
The duplication of data is a crucial element in any software system. With Restaurant Manager, you can create a back-up system that will protect your data in the event of hardware failure. There are many options available, including the use of a back-up server or the computer at one of your POS stations.
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